It isn’t loneliness but solitude that I have come to admire.
It isn’t about life but living around me have kept me amazed.
I whisper stories to winds, get entertained by cumulus paintings;
Making my own symphony from countless fronds ;
So many of them, so different yet euphony is delight.
I have lived onwards and beyond without a plan,
Now and again living come by to talk;
They share their sorrows and reveal their secrets;
Their pain and plight makes me dismal.
When they rejoice around brighten up every part of me.
Living and their plight are constant source of amazement.
Once in a while comes along few,
Who neither demand nor seek;
Their silence speaks unheard stories I wait for,
Their journey show enduring patience;
Quietly without saying we enjoy the space between.
Not so often such souls come by.
It is the solitude that binds and,
Life goes !
Living goes !
PS: I love going back to my old travel pictures to imagine, to write, to be inspired.