Cheers to all those who said it doesn’t matter to us, whoever becomes the president of United States. I second that statement now (wondering why?).
US has the power to dictate the rest of the world. In the guise of federal grants, Africans, Asians and many others are obliged, at the cost of limiting their personal life choices. They can drop bombs, deploy their army and take away your oil. They are obviously expected to jump in the matters of disputed Kashmir boundaries. After all, it’s totally their business, ain’t it?
So on day one, when President Trump reinstated Global Gag rule, I myself wasn’t very sure about what it meant. So, let’s first understand what is Global GAG RULE (aka the Mexico City Policy).
One of the characteristrics of a more economically developed countries is that they end up defining rules for the developing countries because of their presumed superior status gives them power to decide for others under the shadow of help. Therefore, 139 developing countries from a total of 195 countries, which estimably makes 71%, are primarily influenced and indirectly governed by the remaining 29% of developed countries.
For this reason, it is not about President Trump reinstating Global Gag rule; the conflicting issue here is of Preseident Ronald Reagan imposing the same initially (not surprisingly) in the year 1984.
The Gag Rule was later rescinded by President Clinton, reinstated by President Bush, and rescinded again by President Obama. It’s very likely that it will be reinstated by the next Republican administration. This instability means family planning clinics on the ground can’t always get the funding they deserve, or offer the services women in their communities need. — Says PAI, champions policies that make it possible for every woman to have quality reproductive health care.
And as of today President Trump reinstalled it.
Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. If we follow the trend, this country along with the rest of the world are pushed into a state of chaos by alternating and contradicting laws reinforced as fickle-mindedly as one decides upon their meals for the day.
Tracing back my roots, the Indian culture asks you not to show pride or demean others if you have helped them. The purpose of help curtails when conditions come attached to it.
Some US citizens have stated the Global Gag rule in opposition to the constitution of United States along with being prejudiced. US stands in contradiction to what they represent, that is, Freedom of expression and choice, which is clearly disputed here.
Here is interesting video from an organisation called PAI. Their work expands possibilities for women worldwide by making sure contraceptives stay on shelves, doctors can do their jobs, and women can reach the care they want and require.
As a part of my 2017 resolution, I decided not to follow news which had no concrete basis and to coherently understand the subject matter with correct details. Their website has just updated the home page with an article on Trump — Pence Administration
All of this sums up to ask the question if Trump administration has began to show its true nature from the first day itself. I think not. The administration of the United States have been manoeuvring around this strategy since 1984. The problem here could not be as simple as a new President taking charge, but the the world’s most influential country’s global perspective.